Understanding the literary system of the 18th century



A. de Wilde, Jewish Books at Auction. The circulation of Knowledge as Reflected in the Catalogues of Jewish Private Libraries in the Dutch Republic (1637 – 1832), PhD dissertation.

A.C. Montoya, ‘The Diffusion of the Qur’an in Private Libraries, 1665 – 1830’, in J. Raven (ed.), Global Exchanges of Knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century: Ideas and Materialities  c. 1650-1850, Cambridge, Boydell, 2024, 269 – 292.

A.C. Montoya, “Women’s Libraries and ‘Women’s Books’, 1729–1830”, in M. Bolufer, L. Guinot-Ferri and C. Blutrach (eds.), Gender and Cultural Mediation in the Long Eighteenth Century, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, 289 – 314.


R. Jagersma, H. Blom, E. Chayes and A. Hansen (eds.). Private libraries and their documentation, 1665-1830. Studying and interpreting sources, Leiden, Brill, 2023.

R. Jagersma, H. Blom and A. Hansen, ‘Goldmines or Minefields? Private Libraries and Their Documentation (1665-1830)’, in: R. Jagersma, H. Blom, E. Chayes and A. Hansen (eds.). Private libraries and their documentation, 1665-1830. Studying and interpreting sources, Leiden, Brill, 2023.


A.C. Montoya, “Locating books of hours in eighteenth-century private libraries: Auction catalogues as generators of Enlightenment value(s)”, in Malcolm Walsby and Arthur der Weduwen (eds.), The book world of early modern Europe: Essays in honour of Andrew Pettegree, vol. 2, Leiden, Brill. 2022, 433 – 451.

A.C. Montoya, “The place of Marie Sibylla Merian’s books in eighteenth-century private libraries”, in Marieke van Delft, Kay Etheridge, Hans Mulder en Florence Pieters (eds.), Maria Sibylla Merian: Changing the nature of art and science, Tielt – Amsterdam, Lannoo, 2022, 226 – 238.

R. Jagersma, T. Umerle, et al. An Analysis of the Current Bibliographical Data Landscape in the Humanities. A Case for the Joint Bibliodata Agendas of Public Stakeholders. DARIAH-EU Bibliographical Data Working Group. Zenodo. Open Access, 2022.


H. Blom, “The French connection. Provenance research and the virtual reconstruction of historical libraries à la française”, in Jan Bos, Steven Claeyssens, Erik Geleijns et al. (eds.), Oude boeken, nieuwe podia. Liber amicorum voor Marieke van Delft, Tielt, Lannoo, 2021, 32–38.

H. Blom, “ « Et quelques vieux livres… » Présence, dénominations et classifications de la « littérature médiévale » dans les catalogues de bibliothèques privées publiés en France (1650-1750)”Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes - Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies, 2021–1, n° 41, 355–375.

A.C. Montoya, “Enlightenment? What Enlightenment? Reflections on Half a Million Books (British, French and Dutch Private Libraries, 1665 – 1830)”, Eighteenth-Century Studies 54, 2 (2021), 909 – 934.

R. Jagersma, “Dutch Printed Library Sales Catalogues, 1599 – 1800: A Bibliometric Overview”, in Arthur der Weduwen, Andrew Pettegree and Graeme Kemp (eds.), Early Modern Book Trade Catalogues, Leiden, Brill, 2021, 87 – 117.

A.E. de Wilde, “Sales Catalogues of Jewish-Owned Private Libraries in the Dutch Republic during the Long Eighteenth Century: A Preliminary Overview”, in Arthur der Weduwen, Andrew Pettegree and Graeme Kemp (eds.), Early Modern Book Trade Catalogues, Leiden, Brill, 2021, 212 – 248.

H. Blom, “’Il sest vendu depuis peu une assez bonne bibliotheque’: The Republic of Letters and the Sale Catalogue of Pierre Briot (1679)”, in Arthur der Weduwen, Andrew Pettegree and Graeme Kemp (eds.), Early Modern Book Trade Catalogues, Leiden, Brill, 2021, 361 – 395.

A.C. Montoya, “Building the Bibliothèque choisie, from Jean Le Clerc to Samuel Formey: Library Manuals, Review Journals and Auction Catalogues in the Long Eighteenth Century”, in Arthur der Weduwen, Andrew Pettegree and Graeme Kemp (eds.), Early Modern Book Trade Catalogues, Leiden, Brill, 2021, 426 – 462.

A.C. Montoya, “Des catéchismes à Voltaire: le projet MEDIATE et le rôle des livres ‘moyens’ dans la transmission culturelle à l’époque des Lumières”, in Arnaud Dhermy (ed.), La transmission des savoirs à l’ère numérique, Paris, Editions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2021, 58 – 71.

A.C. Montoya, “La dispersion du livre aquitain en Europe: Lecteurs et bibliothèques privées (1665 – 1830)”, Revue française d’histoire du livre 142 (2021), 79 – 104.


A.C. Montoya, “Shifting Perspectives and Moving Targets: From Conceptual Perspectives to Bits of Data in the First Year of the MEDIATE project”, in S. Burrows and G. Roe (eds.), Digitizing Enlightenment: Digital Humanities and the Transformation of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2020, 195 – 218.

A.C. Montoya and R. Jagersma, “Les livres français dans les catalogues de vente aux enchères des bibliothèques privées (Provinces-Unies, 1670 – 1750)”, in Mathilde Bombart, Sylvain Cornic, Edwige Keller-Rahbé en Michèle Rosellini (eds.), “A qui lira”: Littérature, livre et librairie en France au XVIIe siècle, Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempo, 2020, 733 – 746.

A.C. Montoya, “Pest, epidemieën en bibliotheken. Veilingcatalogi ten tijde van de Verlichting (1665 – 1830)”, De boekenwereld 36, no. 2 (2020), 30 – 39.

H. Blom, “Boeken in ballingschap; de catalogus van de bibliotheek van de hugenotenpredikant Isaac Claude (1653-1695)”, Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis 27 (2020), 23-43.

H. Blom, R. Jagersma and J. Reboul, ‘Printed Private Library Catalogues as a Source for the History of Reading’ , in M. Hammond (ed.), The Edinburgh History of Reading: Early Readers, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020, 249 – 269.

R. Jagersma and J. Rozendaal, ‘Female Book Ownership in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic. The Book Collection of Paper-Cutting Artist Joanna Koerten (1650-1715)’, Quaerendo, 50, 1-2 (2020): 109-140.

H. Blom, 'Philosophie ou Commerce? L’évolution des systèmes de classement bibliographique dans les catalogues de bibliothèques privées publiés en France au XVIIIe siècle', in Frédéric Barbier, István Monok and Andrea Seidler (eds), Les bibliothèques et l’économie des connaissances/Bibliotheken und die Ökonomie des Wissens 1450–1850. Colloque international – Internationale Tagung, 9–13 avril/April 2019 Sárospatak (Hongrie/Ungarn), Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár és Információs Központ, 2020, pp. 203-234.


J. Reboul, "Counter-Revolutionary Transfers? Emigré Literature and the Subject of the French Emigration in British Private Libraries (1790s - 1830)", in L. Philip and J. Reboul (eds.), French Emigrants in Revolutionised Europe: Connected Histories and Memories, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 111 - 134.​

A. E. de Wilde, 'How to Understand ʿal yede? Title Pages of Hebrew Private Library Catalogues Printed in the Dutch Republic during the Long 18th Century', Zutot 17.1 (2019), 74-82.


A.C. Montoya, 'The MEDIATE project' Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis / Yearbook for Dutch Book History 25 (2018), 229 - 232.

A.C. Montoya and R. Jagersma, 'Marketing Maria Sibylla Merian, 1720 - 1800. Book Auctions, Gender, and Reading Culture in the Dutch Republic', Book History 21 (2018), 56 - 88.


A.C. Montoya, 'Middlebrow, Religion, and the European Enlightenment: A New Bibliometric Project, MEDIATE (1665 - 1820)', French History and Civilization 7 (2017), 66 - 79.

Project prehistory

For the project’s prehistory, see: A.C. Montoya, ‘French and English Women Writers in Dutch Library Catalogues, 1700-1800. Some Methodological Considerations and Preliminary Results’, in S. van Dijk, P. Broomans, J.F. van der Meulen and P. van Oostrum (eds.), ‘I Have Heard about You’. Foreign Women’s Writing Crossing the Dutch Border: From Sappho to Selma Lagerlöf, Hilversum, Verloren, 2004, pp. 182-216.